The medical cause of cradle cap isn’t actually known.
It’s thought to be a result of excess oil made by the glands in your new baby’s scalp. Due to hormonal changes in the mother during pregnancy, the oil glands can be overactive during the first few months of a baby’s life.
The scalp is particularly affected as it has plenty of oil glands.8 The type of dermatitis which causes cradle cap is also found in other areas where there are oil glands, including the eyebrows, nose, ears and in the nappy region.9
Another theory on the cradle cap cause is the presence of a type of yeast called malassezia which one study found on the scalps of around 80% of babies with cradle cap.10
Cradle cap isn’t caused by poor hygiene, so don’t feel guilty and that you could have prevented it by washing your baby more.
Summary: Cradle cap is very common – around 1 in 10 newborns are affected. Signs include flaky, yellowish patches on the scalp, eyebrows, ears or nappy area. It’s harmless, non-contagious and should go away on its own