As we age, our bodies inevitably start shedding muscle, a process known as sarcopenia, which typically starts in our 30s. Preventing it is important because it’s associated with an increased risk of fractures and falls.
While your 20s are known as the peak of your physical fitness, thanks to a surge of anabolic hormones that keep your muscles thriving, this natural edge starts to decline as the years roll by.3
By the time men hit their 30s, they begin losing an estimated 3-8% of muscle mass per decade.4 “This is largely due to hormonal shifts, especially the slow but steady decline in testosterone,” says Adam. Testosterone plays a key role in muscle building 5-6 by promoting protein synthesis (the conversion of dietary amino acids into muscle), so when its levels drop below normal, your muscles become less responsive to exercise and slower to recover. This is because the declines in testosterone are associated with decreases in muscle hypertrophy, which explains the decline in muscle mass and strength.
“On top of that, ageing tends to slow down metabolism and shrink muscle fibres, which only adds to the feeling of diminished strength and agility,” says Adam. Throw in lifestyle changes - like increasing stress, heavier workloads and less time to squeeze in a workout - and the challenge of maintaining muscle mass becomes even tougher.
“Stress might not seem like a big deal for your fitness,” he explains. “But research shows
7 that elevated
cortisol levels can seriously hinder muscle growth. If stress also disrupts sleep, it can make things even worse.”
By the time your 50s roll around, the rate of muscle loss accelerates, reaching 5-10% per decade, and by your 60s, it can start to affect daily movement and flexibility - unless you take steps to counteract it.8-9
Another common issue? Underfueling. “Most people in their 50s and 60s didn’t grow up using protein supplements like whey or pea protein,” Adam points out. “I often see older clients not hitting their basic protein needs, especially when they’re lifting heavy. Without proper protein, there’s simply no gains to be had.”