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Acne – or acne vulgaris to give it its medical name – is a condition where hair follicles on the skin become blocked, and a raised red pimple appears.
Less common causes for spots on the legs you should rule out include: Diabetes, Hidradenitis suppurativa, Stasis, Abscesses and Benign tumours.
Spots on legs could be caused by various factors – from acne, allergies or shaving.
What is acne?
Acne – or acne vulgaris to give it its medical name – is a condition where hair follicles on the skin become blocked, and a raised red pimple appears over the blocked follicle.
These hair follicles become blocked with dead skin cells, dirt and sebum (oil).
Acne is extremely common. In fact, about 95% of people aged 11 to 30 are affected by acne to some extent.1
It’s most common in teenagers. Acne can affect people of all ages, though.
Also, although the face, neck, chest and back are the most common locations for acne to appear, it can show up just about anywhere on the body. Acne on legs isn’t uncommon.
Although it’s caused by blocked follicles, leg acne isn’t related to hygiene. Genetic factors, stress and hormones are all known to be triggers.2
Bacteria and skin cells block pores from within, no matter how many times you wash your skin. In fact, washing more than twice a day can simply aggravate skin and make acne worse.
The terms ‘spots’ and ‘acne’ are often used interchangeably.
Spots can refer to any small red circular blemish on the skin, whereas acne refers to the specific skin condition acne vulgaris – which causes spots.
Try not to scratch or touch spots you find on your legs. Usually, they’ll go away on their own given time and making some small lifestyle changes (as below).
After shaving, try moisturising the area with a lotion that’s gentle on the skin and contains soothing ingredients like aloe vera. Keeping the skin moisturised softens the skin and soothes rough patches.
You’ll discover dozens of creams, oils and lotions in our skin ailments range which are made using natural ingredients that are kind to skin.
Minimise ingrown hairs by exfoliating your legs with a loofah, dry brush or bath glove every day.
This will help release any hairs which have started to grow into your skin, plus it’s great for circulation.
This might sound a little scary, but relax!
Using a body wash or serum with ingredients like salicylic acid or glycolic acid can help lift off the dead skin cells which lurk on the surface of our skin, help clean out pores and keep the skin clear.15
Switch your current washing powder for one designed for delicate skin or babies. This reduces the risk of atopic contact dermatitis and other skin reactions.
Minimising tight, synthetic fabrics in favour of breathable, loose cotton on your lower half will enable the skin on your legs to breathe and help prevent sweating and friction, both which cause spots.
To ensure you don’t irritate the area, avoid shaving until the spots have healed.
It might seem obvious but try to shower immediately after a workout. Sweat staying on the skin could block pores and contribute to skin issues such as spots on the back of legs.
The culprit of the sore, red bumps on your legs could be your shaving routine. Tiny black spots on legs (or ‘strawberry legs’) are caused by shaving.
Also known as razor burn, a shaving rash typically happens immediately after you’ve shaved or when the hairs start to grow back. Tell-tale signs of razor burn include an itchy, inflamed top layer of skin and red bumps which look like small pimples which have no pus-filled ‘head’.
Razor burn is common on both the legs and bikini line.
Perspiration (sweating) can cause acne-like spots on the legs. This is because sweat which isn’t washed away promptly causes pores to become blocked.
Pimples caused by sweating usually appear on the thighs and buttock area.
Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, is where sweat glands become blocked with sweat which can no longer evaporate, can cause a rash in the form of clusters of small red spots on the legs.11 A damp cloth, calamine lotion or anti-histamine tablets are all possible heat rash remedies.
Form-fitting clothing such as tights, leggings, skinny jeans and even tall boots can lead to spots on the legs, thanks to the friction. The term for these types of spots are acne mechanica, which can be caused by pressure, friction, rubbing, squeezing, or stretching.12
Much like with friction caused by clothing, chafing of the skin – for example the inner thighs – can cause spots to form.13
The chemicals in many common laundry powders and gels can cause spots or allergic contact dermatitis rashes. Irritated skin and spots on the groin or bikini line are commonly caused by using a detergent too harsh for your skin.
A food allergy or intolerance could cause redness, itching and swelling in patches on the skin, including the legs. Dairy, nuts, soy and wheat are common culprits.14
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