There are a handful of fatigue-fighting vitamins and supplements which may increase your energy levels.
These include:
Vitamin B12 is vital for several everyday bodily functions, from helping create new red blood cells to releasing energy after eating. Great sources of it include eggs, salmon, cheese, meat, milk, and cereals.
As B12 is typically found in meat, fish, or dairy, it’s not uncommon for vegans to be deficient. A lack of B12 can be dangerous and lead to conditions like anaemia. If you think you might be deficient, speak to your GP about taking supplements or altering your diet.
Iron is a popular supplement for those who feel low on energy, especially women who are statistically more likely to be deficient.
As your body can’t remove extra iron naturally, it’s important to take only iron supplements if you’re deficient and have been advised to by a doctor.
There are other vitamins in the B family which can help combat tiredness.
A complex vitamin B supplement will contain a variety of these, including B3, which supports brain function and B6, which helps the body turn carbohydrates and protein into energy.
If you’d rather take a herbal supplement, ginseng is a safe option. The plant has been used for centuries, with some studies showing it can support brain function and reduce fatigue.
You can buy it in tablet form or drink it as a tea.
As most people should be able to get these vitamins through their diet, it’s always best to consult a medical professional before you start taking a supplement.