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While some women may experience their periods stopping abruptly, some find they have irregular periods for up to 6 months before their periods stop...
Menopause starts when you’ve not had a period for 12 consecutive months. Even so, some women experience light bleeding or spotting after their...
Vaginal bleeding after menopause is always important to have checked by your GP, but very rarely is it something serious.
Menopause is the natural process where your periods stop due to a decrease in hormone levels in your body, so you shouldn’t experience any menstrual bleeding after menopause.1,2
Sometimes, however, you might notice some light bleeding or ‘spotting’ before, during or after menopause.3 Generally, spotting during menopause isn’t a cause for concern, but you should still speak to your GP to rule out anything serious.4
There are multiple reasons why you might experience menopausal bleeding before, during and after menopause, so here, we’ll talk through everything you need to know.
When it comes to menopause, every woman is unique and will have completely different experiences. While some women may experience their periods stopping abruptly, some may find they have irregular periods for up to 6 months before their periods stop completely.5 In some cases, your periods can space out for months or even years before they stop altogether.5
The time just before menopause begins is known as perimenopause, and it’s here that you will likely start experiencing symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats and more.6
Menopause starts when you’ve not had a period for 12 consecutive months.8 Even so, some women experience light bleeding or spotting after their last period. You might notice a small amount of blood in your underwear or after urinating, which can vary in colour and intensity.3
Generally, the causes of spotting during menopause are nothing to worry about, but sometimes it can be a symptom of something more serious. If you are experiencing menopausal bleeding or spotting, you should visit a medical professional to find the cause. Menopausal bleeding isn’t a common sign of menopause, but there are a few reasons why you might be experiencing it. Here are 4 common causes of light bleeding or spotting during menopause:
Fibroids are small growths that grow in the walls of your uterus that appear in your later years of reproductivity, with between 70 and 80% of women affected at the age of 50.16
Fibroids can be present after menopause too, but due to the lower levels of oestrogen during menopause, if fibroids were already there, they tend to shrink in size.17 However, they can still be an issue, causing symptoms like bleeding after menopause and back pain. For some, fibroids can grow to the size of a grapefruit and be quite painful.18
The signs and symptoms of fibroids after menopause include:18
Fibroids often go away after menopause on their own, but if you do have any of the symptoms caused by fibroids, your doctor can recommend appropriate treatment.15
Bleeding before, during and after menopause can happen, and usually, it is nothing to worry about. However, it is vital that you speak to your GP if you’re experiencing any bleeding during or after menopause.
While there are many possible causes, speaking to a professional can help to give you peace of mind, as well as important advice and any necessary treatment.