Rest might seem like a blanket concept, but in her bestselling book
Sacred Rest, psychologist Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith suggests that there are seven distinct types, each serving a unique purpose in the self-care puzzle.
She writes that rest can be physical, emotional or mental, allowing our bodies and minds to recentre and recalibrate. Just like you need different vitamins and minerals to fuel different functions in the body, you need different kinds of rest to replenish different parts of your wellbeing.
By purposefully mixing and matching these types throughout your week, she argues that you can find more balance, energy and fulfillment overall.
Here are the seven types of rest you need to know…
- Physical rest is all about restoring the body through sleep, napping or light exercise. Think stretching, a short walk or simply relaxing with your feet up
- Mental rest involves calming the mind, taking short breaks from working, overthinking or ruminating
- Emotional rest is all about allowing yourself to express emotions in a healthy way, whether that’s through talking therapy or engaging in therapeutic activities that help release pent-up feelings
- Social rest means surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people, and distancing yourself from draining, toxic friendships
- Sensory rest can be achieved by unplugging from social media, dimming the lights and limiting noise, giving your mind and body a break from sensory overload
- Creative rest comes from engaging with art, beauty and music to stimulate your imagination and creativity
- Spiritual rest is the final type and involves reconnecting with a higher purpose, whether through meditation, prayer or community involvement