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Ever looked at your hands and thought – why do we have fingernails? What are they made of? And what would happen if we didn’t have them?
Nails are the finishing touch to our fingers and toes, and a multi-billion-pound industry exists around keeping them looking good. But what exactly are they?
Read on to learn everything you’ve ever wondered about nails and why we have them.
Nails are a tough plate of hardened cells protruding from our finger and toe ends.
However, the part of the nail we see is only the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface there’s plenty going on, and our nails are linked up to a vascular environment of blood vessels, soft tissue, cellular activity and ligaments.1
Our nails also contain important clues to our health status, lifestyle, recreational habits and can even tell whether or not we’re stressed.
Handpicked content: 6 signs of good nail health
Ever been curious about what exactly nails are made of? Find out the answer here.
Fingernails are mostly made up of a hardened protein called keratin. Keratin is the same stuff which makes up hooves, claws and horns in animals. It’s also found in our very own hair and skin.
The formation of a nail begins out of sight, inside a part of the fingertip called the nail root. This is where the cells which will eventually form the nail plate gradually die, harden and push out of the skin.2
As the older cells are compacted and pushed out of the skin by the formation of new cells, they take the hardened, flattened form of the fingernail.
Toe nails are also made of the tough keratin protein, and formed in exactly the same way as the nails on our fingers.
Cuticles are a thin waterproof membrane which seal the nail plate to the fingertip. Cuticles are an important barrier to infections around the nail.
Humans have fingernails because we are primates, evolved from forest-dwelling species.
It’s thought that fingernails are an evolutionary variation on claws. Our mammalian ancestors evolved away from claws and towards the broad-tipped fingers we have today.3
Broader-tipped fingers supported by a sturdy keratin plate were handier than claws for grasping smaller branches while travelling across tree canopies and collecting fruits. (Just look at a monkey’s hands – their nails are extremely similar to ours).
Our nails help us in the following ways.4
Nails help us grip by offering a solid surface for the pads of the fingers to press against as we grip something tightly.
Can you imagine opening a drink can without fingernails? Fingernails help enhance the function of our fingers, enabling us to perform manual tasks more easily.
Just like a cat, humans can use fingernails in self-defence if required.
Just like primates in the jungle, human fingernails are useful for removing lice, ticks and other pests from our skin and hair.
Think about the last time you peeled an orange. Chances are, you used your fingernails!
Fingertips (and toe tips) are packed with nerve endings and blood vessels. Our nails provide a hard, protective shell for these vulnerable digits.
OK, so when we’re gardening, we usually use a trowel or other tool to make the job easier. But in a survival situation, we could dig or claw earth with our fingertips just like animals do.
Our nails help us judge how to hold things, detecting pressure changes and increasing the sensitivity of our fingertips.
Whether you’re a forest-dwelling mammal, cat, dog or human – everyone loves a good scratch.
Your nails are made up of the following parts:5
You asked… we answered!
Nails are made of dead keratin, which is a hard protein. Keratin isn’t technically skin, although it’s found in the skin (as well as the hair).
Your nail root (or sinus) is located a couple of milimetres behind the cuticle of your finger and toenails.
No. Bones are made up of collagen and calcium phosphate, whereas nails are made from keratin.23
Not exactly – although they’re both made of keratin. The difference is how the hair grows, with the keratin chains less compacted than in the nails.
No. Hair and nails rely on oxygenated blood flow to grow. So, very soon after death, the cells responsible for their growth will die.
This grisly myth mainly comes from the illusion created when dehydrated scalp and fingertips shrink back to reveal ‘longer’ hair and nails.24
Want to know more about how to protect your nail health? Check out these 7 ways to improve nail strength.
Last updated: 11 June 2021