"Not true!" says Alex Thompson, Senior Nutritionist at H&B. Actually, there are many different types of collagen in your body – let’s look at three of them:
- type I collagen is the most common type of collagen in your body and the one you might be thinking of when it comes to your skin, hair and nails. It helps to keep skin elastic and healthy. It’s present in your tendons, organs and bones 1,2
- type II collagen is associated with your joint health. It’s the main component of cartilage and is also vital in your connective tissue, spinal discs and eyes 3
- type III is found in the intestines, bowel, uterus and bone marrow. It’s important for the early stages of wound healing before it’s replaced by type I 4, 5
Each type of collagen has different properties, meaning, the type of collagen you choose to take may also impact your body differently.
Some people decide to take a specific type of collagen depending on their goals. For example, our skin is made of up to 90% type I collagen which marine collagen (from fish) is most abundant in.6 So, if you wanted to support your skin by taking collagen, then choosing a marine collagen would potentially be best suited.
However, not all types of collagens have been researched to the same extent. Scientists are yet to determine with larger robust clinical evidence how effectively collagen is absorbed and utilised in our body when taken as a supplement.2
Bovine collagen is made from cows (or less commonly buffalo and bison). It’s high in both type I and type III and is more similar to our human collagen than marine sources. However, its bioavailability – the ease with which it’s absorbed in your body – is slightly lower.7
You can also get vegan collagen, which is derived from plant sources. “These vegan alternatives contain a variety of individual amino acids that are synthetically produced" explains our Alex.
So, it turns out, collagen isn’t just collagen. And while you may still see benefits from any kind of collagen, it’s worth deciding which is best for you – why not ask our colleagues
in store to help?