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Peppermint oil is extracted from the peppermint plant, which grows throughout Europe and North America...
Peppermint oil can be used in so many ways. It can be applied topically to the skin, but make sure you dilute it first with a carrier oil, such as...
You’ve probably realised by now that peppermint oil is used to provide a lot of ‘good’ for all sorts of benefits. We’ve listed several of them below..
Peppermint oil is reportedly safe to take orally and using it in this way has been proven to be safe in many clinical trials. However, you may get heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain or a dry mouth if you do drink it.15
One of the best and easiest ways to drink peppermint oil, is to make yourself a cup of peppermint tea.
Brew a cup of your favourite herbal tea, allow the tea to brew for three to five minutes. Then add one drop of peppermint oil and stir.
For hot drinks: Boil a cup of hot water and pour it into a mug. Mix in two to three drops of peppermint oil and drink.
For cold drinks: Pour yourself a glass of cold water and mix in one drop of peppermint oil to create a calorie-free, thirst-quenching drink.
Don’t forget, you can also buy ready-made peppermint teabags and loose-leaf peppermint tea.
You can buy bottles of peppermint oil and you can buy peppermint tea. Peppermint oil’s also available in capsule form too.
When using peppermint oil to treat IBS, capsules tend to be taken. The capsule contains an enteric coating that prevents stomach acid from breaking it down. This enables the capsules to reach the intestines without being dissolved.16
Peppermint oil capsules should be taken with water and not opened or chewed, as this may degrade the outer coating and stop the capsule from reaching the bowel. As a result, the capsule may dissolve too early in the stomach rather than intestines. It’s best to take peppermint oil capsules at least 30 to 60 minutes before eating.
As well as inhaling and applying peppermint oil topically, you can drink it by adding it to herbal teas or hot or cold water. Alternatively, you can use peppermint tea bags. Peppermint capsules are often used to help relieve the symptoms of IBS.
Quite like the idea of making your own peppermint oil? Follow the guidance below for details on how to make it yourself.17