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Five secret ways to speed up your metabolism

Woman running asphalt road summer park


1Walk 10,000 steps

Walking is a powerful and underrated weight management tool. Most of us live sedentary lives (and would be surprised by how little we walk)...

2Eat more protein

Use the thermic effect of food to your advantage. Your body has to use energy to digest food, and some types of food boost your metabolism more...

3Use strength training

Strength training is great for your metabolic rate. It creates an afterburner effect, but that’s not the only way it helps your metabolism...

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If you’re not already doing the easy, every day tricks to boost your metabolism, give them a try.

1. Walk 10,000 steps

Walking is a powerful and underrated weight management tool. Most of us live sedentary lives (and would be surprised by how little we walk). 

Get yourself a pedometer or activity tracker and aim for 10,000 steps per day. If that’s not realistic, try increasing your step count in stages. 

It doesn’t have to come from long walks. Short walks all add up. Try doing more everyday chores on foot.

2. Add more everyday movement

One of the most powerful things you can do to keep your daily metabolic rate high is move more!  Experts say that NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is important for weight management.

In fact, it might be more relevant than typical exercise. NEAT means any activity outside of your workouts. 

Walking, DIY, manual chores, even using a shopping basket rather than a trolley. Think about how you can move more every day. 

3. Eat more protein

Use the thermic effect of food to your advantage. Your body has to use energy to digest food, and some types of food boost your metabolism more than others. Aim to get in some protein in every meal and snack. 

4. The afterburn effect of exercise

Some forms of exercise are better for your metabolism. If you can, choose exercise which keeps your metabolic rate high even after you have finished. In general, the more intense the exercise, the higher the afterburn effect. Interval training and circuits will boost your metabolism.

5. Use strength training

Strength training is great for your metabolic rate. It creates an afterburner effect, but that’s not the only way it helps your metabolism. 

Building and maintaining lean muscle will make your metabolism more efficient 24/7. You don’t have to lift weights in the gym. 

Try body weight workouts, circuits, or kettlebell training. Anything that places your muscles under resistance will count.

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