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On this page you can read all BioKap Permanent Hair Dye 4.0 (Natural Brown) reviews from our customers. View the best review and most critical reviews, search our reviews or filter and sort the reviews of our customers to help you make the right choice. BioKap Permanent Hair Dye 4.0 (Natural Brown) receives an average rating of 4.0 stars from our customers based on 4 reviews.
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4 reviews
The subjective customer reviews below are only moderated for offensive content – they should not be regarded as medical or health advice; no reliance should therefore be placed on them; and they are not endorsed by Holland & Barrett. If you have any health problems or questions regarding the suitability of any product please contact a health professional. Products are not medicinal unless otherwise stated. Find out more
I suffered an anaphylactic shock last year. I tried other brands and they still gave me a reaction. This brand was suggested by my dermatologist. I can’t believe it works without causing any health related problems! Thank you Biokap!
Tazz - 3 years ago
Verified Purchaser
This is the only dye that cover my grey hair
This product is the only one that actually covers my grey hair! It`s a bit expensive but worthy it!
Gabry - 4 years ago
Best home dye I've used
Although these seem a little pricey, it is well worth it! I have skin reactions to many products and I was trying to find a colour that I would have the least problems with. I also found with biokap that as a brunette I had plenty of choices of the shade I would like, which …
AGJS - 5 years ago
Does NOT cover grey hair. I bought it twice, thinking I had done something wrong, but following the instructions cautiously, I still got no results.
MariaMaria - 5 years ago
Verified Purchaser