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Getting spots in summer? ‘Bacne’ can make an appearance or get worse when it’s hot outside. Find out why this might happen and you can manage it
Adult acne is increasingly common, but what causes it and how can you improve your skin? Find out practical advice to help beat acne.
What is truncal acne? Is it the same thing as the acne you get on your face, or something different? This article answers this key question, as well as several more.
While most of us do our best to keep our skin healthy and happy, skin problems are common. Find out what fungal acne is, its causes and treatments here today
Baffled by the shelves full of acne skincare? A Holland & Barrett nutritionist puts 4 spot-fighting ingredients in the spotlight. Are any of these in your acne cream?
What causes cystic acne? Our Holland & Barrett nutritionist shares some dietary ideas that could help you understand why your skin is acting out.
If you're wondering how to get rid of acne, we've got some tips for you. From the best ingredients to the best home remedies, find out how to clear acne and care for your skin.
Acne during pregnancy is very common. It’s caused by a surge in hormones which kicks off during the first trimester. Learn all about why it happens, and what you can do.
We share the best herbal treatments for adult acne including from aloe vera to fish oil supplements. We also look into what acne is and common causes.