What does guarana do in the body?
Guarana seeds contain powerful antioxidants, including tannins, saponins and catechins,3 plus plant chemicals which stimulate the central nervous system, according to a 2010 study by the University of Florida.4 These include:
- caffeine – guarana seeds contain 2-7.5% caffeine. This is the chief stimulant in guarana
- theobromine and theophylline – there are traces of these two plant chemicals, both chemically related to caffeine; theobromine is also found in chocolate and tea5,6
As a result of these stimulants, scientists think guarana may have the following effects: It can reduce feelings of tiredness Guarana has energising effects on the body, relieving fatigue and weakness, according to the European Medicines Agency.7 Indeed, a 2008 study by Northumbria University found that people who drank a cocktail of guarana, vitamins and minerals felt less tired after performing a series of mentally challenging tasks than those who drank a placebo.8
- It may improve your concentration Guarana could also improve mental performance. In a 2007 study in Nutrients, guarana boosted memory and concentration, although researchers suggested more studies are needed.9 It was also found to improve long-term memory and increase alertness, according to a 2007 study in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.10
- It may protect your heart Guarana can help limit the oxidation of harmful LDL cholesterol, according to a 2013 Brazilian study in Lipids in Health and Disease.11 The oxidation of LDL cholesterol occurs when it is damaged by free radicals, which contributes to narrowing and hardening of the arteries – a condition that is linked to cardiovascular disease.12 A 2008 report by the University of Cincinnati also found that guarana can improve blood flow and may even help prevent blood clots.13