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Small but ever so mighty, seeds are absolute powerhouses of nutrients and minerals.
From tiny little chia seeds to crispy brown linseed and everything in between, these plant-powered natural wonders are packed full of good stuff.
And it’s no surprise that they are, since plants actually grow from them!
Seeds are a perfect healthy choice to satisfy your snack cravings in between meals.
They are extremely versatile and can be added to lots of different recipes including overnight oats.
Seeds can also be blended into smoothies and or lightly toasted and then sprinkled on top of salads and pasta dishes, for a bit of extra crunch and flavour.
If your kids enjoy a snack during the day (and let’s face it, which kids don’t?!), why not add a packet of seeds to their lunchboxes or backpacks? And enjoy peace of mind knowing that they’ll be eating healthier alternatives to crisps and sweets.
You don’t need to eat a lot of them either. As they are packed full of protein and fibre, and because each seed has so many nutrients, your body doesn’t actually need that many of them.
The recommended daily serving of seeds will of course depend on which seed you choose, but usually a tablespoon or two each day is enough. Seeds really are nature’s space savers.
Small but ever so mighty, seeds are absolute powerhouses of nutrients and minerals.
From tiny little chia seeds to crispy brown linseed and everything in between, these plant-powered natural wonders are packed full of good stuff.
And it’s no surprise that they are, since plants actually grow from them!
Seeds are a perfect healthy choice to satisfy your snack cravings in between meals.
They are extremely versatile and can be added to lots of different recipes including overnight oats.
Seeds can also be blended into smoothies and or lightly toasted and then sprinkled on top of salads and pasta dishes, for a bit of extra crunch and flavour.
If your kids enjoy a snack during the day (and let’s face it, which kids don’t?!), why not add a packet of seeds to their lunchboxes or backpacks? And enjoy peace of mind knowing that they’ll be eating healthier alternatives to crisps and sweets.
You don’t need to eat a lot of them either. As they are packed full of protein and fibre, and because each seed has so many nutrients, your body doesn’t actually need that many of them.
The recommended daily serving of seeds will of course depend on which seed you choose, but usually a tablespoon or two each day is enough. Seeds really are nature’s space savers.