Don't let common health issues ruin your time away – here's how to avoid tummy bugs, sun burn and insect bites for a more enjoyable adventure
Body hair is completely normal, but why is it a taboo? We're here to de-mystify it all and explore why people feel pressured to remove body hair.
The scalp is often overlooked when it comes to protecting our bodies from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Did you know you lose up to 100 hairs per day? Here's everything you need to know about thinning hair: causes, prevention, and treatment.
Did you know rosemary oil could help your hair grow? Or that tea tree oil could help with blemishes? Find out more about the best essential oils for your skin and hair.
Using rosemary oil for hair growth is making the rounds on social media, but how does it work, and will it work for you? Learn all about rosemary oil here.
Exfoliating your skin can keep it radiant, glowing, and healthy, but doing it properly is essential. Here we tell you how to exfoliate your face and body safely.
Mineral sunscreens are an alternative to chemical sunscreens, but what are they exactly, and how do they work? Find out all you need to know, here.
Get a long-lasting tan with our top tips for safe tanning. With our advice, sunbathe without worrying about skin damage from harmful UV rays. Learn more.
Want some tips on how to tan faster? Discover the golden rules of tanning in this article, which make sure you get a tan, while still protecting your skin.
SPF, what is it? Why should we use it? And which one should we use? If you're unsure where to start with it, find out everything you need to know
Get your skin glowing with this homemade facemask. The turmeric in the recipe contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant. It also has lemon which may help fight the effects of ageing on skin. Try the DIY mask now.